Vantage Staffing

Why Choose Vantage Staffing?

  • Improve productivity: By bringing in temporary staff to handle the extra work load, full-time employees can continue to focus on their main job tasks while maintaining their productivity.
  • Try before you buy: Staffing agencies give the business a chance to try out an employee before making a permanent offer of employment and to identify any weaknesses that would not typically be evident in the interview process
  • Decrease costs: While the per-hour cost may be more than the per-hour cost of a full-time employee, temporary staff can be used as needed without a commitment of a 40-hour per week.
  • Avoid unemployment claims: The temporary staff person is an employee of the staffing agency and not the business, so no unemployment claims, saves multiple hours of Managers dealing with unemployment claims and the Department of Labor.
  • Quick solution in emergency situation: Temporary help agencies can quickly provide your business with sufficient and qualified staff when there is any unexpected/temporary demand because of seasonal/peak period.
  • Increase flexibility: Using a staffing agency is a good way to continue getting work done while you are searching for the perfect candidate for a particular job. If unsatisfied with a temp’s work performance, contact the temp agency and they will take care of the rest.
  • Multiple locations/Coverage across Southern Ontario: Due to our multiple locations, we are able to cater business all across the Southern Ontario which includes Windsor, Sarnia, London, Waterloo, Guelph, Brantford, Hamilton, Barrie, Belleville and many more.
  • Designated contact person: In contrast to other employment agencies where a client has to contact different departments for different needs; we assign a specific designated person to every client who takes care of client’s needs relating to accounts, human resource or any other concern.
  • 24/7 phone service: Our staff is assigned to response quickly for any additional / replacement related matters on phone call. If our client has any concern they can call us anytime.
  • Diversity in workforce: We have registered manpower of different ethnicities. Our unity in diversity keeps us a step ahead of other employment agencies which sometimes focus only on certain ethnic groups.
  • Experienced workforce: We have large number of regular employees who are experienced in various fields ranging from general help to machine operators and quality inspectors.
  • Just In Time (JIT) Service: Emergency orders from the clients on top of regular orders are always welcome, in case production requirements change or a few regular employees/ employees from other agencies don’t show up.
  • ASAP replacement with no charge: If an employee is found lazy, non-cooperative or sick then client can inform us within two hours of work, replacement will be made ASAP and client will not be charged for number of hours worked by a person who is found lazy, non-cooperative or sick on that day.
  • More than General help: We provide not only general help but also specialize in providing Quality Inspectors, machine operators, sales employees, and office crew.
  • Extensive Screening Process: Our screening process is detailed and extensive as compared to other agencies.
  • Competitive rates while providing all of the above services: Even while providing all the above services, we are still able to keep our rates quite competitive and affordable.